Well that is because of mild language and crude humor and violence and stuff like that. What type of language you ask, well im still trying to figure that one out.v ;-)
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat was the first game to be rated E10+.
for fantasy voilence
ESRB didnt rate it. Everyone agrees it's e10
Because there's not a lot of violence or any needed maturity to play mine craft every body could play at any age group
Portal 2 is a co-op game rated E10+
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat was the first game to be rated E10+.
for fantasy voilence
It is rated E10+
Nope. A game with any kind of gun has to be a least rated T. Check into the game Portal 2.
The ESRB rated it E10, which is a 'U' in the UK.
E10 and up
Maybe it's hard or to exciting for younger kids
ESRB didnt rate it. Everyone agrees it's e10
Because there's not a lot of violence or any needed maturity to play mine craft every body could play at any age group
the game is rated e10+ with mild language and fantasy violence
Shadow the Hedgehog has an E10+ ESRB rating.