You'll need to trade for it, because having Feebas to evolve it will be impossible; due to the fact that it needs it to be entered in the Beauty contest and make it have the Master Rank.
482 and 11 more Pokemon entered so total 493 there are more every day
yes if you make poffins in hearthrome city and their the same type as the moves or contest you entered in (dry poffins=beauty and the color blue,spicy poffins= cool and the color orange,sweet poffins=cute and the color pink,sour poffins=tough and the color yellow,bitter poffins=smart andthe color green)then it will helpWhat he said
Depends on which cheat code you entered, you can probably delete off your Action Replay and save it.
You cannot evolve Nosepass in Pokémon Sapphire, its evolution of Probopass was not entered into the game's coding.
yes, he entered a elvis look a like contest at a burger joint and came in third in the contest
No, the word contest is not an adverb.The word contest is a verb ("we will contest the decision") and a noun ("I entered the contest").
The kids all entered in a spelling bee contest.
She has entered a no contest plea.
i have
yes but it cant be entered if it has won the contest once cos it cant win a contest twice
You'll need to trade for it, because having Feebas to evolve it will be impossible; due to the fact that it needs it to be entered in the Beauty contest and make it have the Master Rank.
Arachne and Athena had a weaving contest but Athena lost and turned her into a spider.
If you have entered a contast there is usually contest rules somewhere in the contest rules. Chances are if you in they will contact you themselves however.
LeBron James(of course)!!!