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It depends,

Are you playing online on someone elses server, they or you may have a low end internet bandwidth. If the server has a lower end DSL of 1.5Mbs let's say, then it's only good for 2 to 4 people before it starts dropping connections or gets laggy.

If your hosting the server and playing the game then it can effect a lower end or older computer. Try upping the ram on the server.

If your just playing single player make sure you don't have any applications running in the background, minecraft is a pretty hardware intensive game. Also make sure any automatic updates for any applications are set for the middle of the night so it doesn't interfere with your game, downloading updates and trying to play an online game is a bummer sometimes.

When was the last time you shut down the computer for a few minutes, it will reset the ram and other caches so may free up some things.

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Why is Minecraft so laggy?

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.bat files are Windows, so no.

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So far, Minecraft has sold 13,720,664 copies for PC / Mac.

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its a mod P.SL mac or windows, minecraft is the same

Can you play Minecraft on a Mac?

Yes. Minecraft for Mac OSX is available for downlad at Minecraft's official website. The link can be found below.

On the mac it says unable to sign you in on Minecraft please help me apple and Minecraft fans So my question is how do you play Minecraft on a mac book pro from apple?

To login on minecraft, you need those things: A premium minecraft account Internet If you have both, and it still doesn't work, I can't help you.

Is Minecraft available for Mac?

yes, go to and then you need an account, then there should be a big BUY NOW on the right of the home page screen. then go through and buy minecraft. After that, there should be a PLAY MINECRAFT BETA. I would choose download. Then click on show all platforms, then choose Minecraft for Mac OS X. Download then open.

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You can mod minecraft in the mac.