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Link is left handed just because he is. in all Zelda games that don't feature Sprite mirroring, Link has been left-handed. In the Wii version of Twilight Princess, link is right handed because the majority of players in the world are right handed, and would be holding the controller accordingly. however, in the canon, Gamecube version, where player dexterity isn't an issue, link is left handed, as always.

-Yes, plus, the creators of the game named him "Link" which means"left" in German. More information on the origin of the name is on:

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This depends on whether you're playing it right- or left-handed. if you're playing it right-handed, the whistle is on the top right of the screen. If you're playing it left-handed it is on the top left of the screen. If you're playing an illegal, immoral and cheap ROM hack it could be missing entirely. This is why we buy the actual game, where things are actually included so you can complete the game.

Can you buy a Left Handed Keyboard or Mouse?

Yes you can, check out Left Handed Computer Users This is a squidoo lens dedicated to information on Left handed Keyboards and mice. The link is in the Related links below.