Because dragons are reptiles and are therefore cold-blooded and can't survive low temperatures. Also, ice is the only thing that can pierce their otherwise inpenetrable scales.
Dragon type Pokemon are weak against Ice, Dragon, and Fairy type moves.
Dragon types are weak to Dragon and Ice types.
Dragon and that's it, however in turn dragons are only weak against dragon and ice makeing them good types.
Druddigon is weak against dragon and ice type pokemon
ice and dragon types. glad i could help :)
Dragon type Pokemon are weak against Ice, Dragon, and Fairy type moves.
Dragon types are weak to Dragon and Ice types.
dragon and ice
Dragon and that's it, however in turn dragons are only weak against dragon and ice makeing them good types.
Dragon-type Pokemon are weak to Ice-types and to themselves. That means that Draco Meteor and Ice Beam will do super-effective damage. Ice is strongly recommended, because most of the fully evolved dragon-types in the series are 4x weak to Ice. (Dragon, Ground) (Dragon, Flying)
Garchomp is a Ground/Dragon-type Pokemon, so it's weak to Dragon, Ice, and Fairy-type moves.
Druddigon is weak against dragon and ice type pokemon
Ice moves will do x4 damage, dragon will do x2
Dragon type Pokemon are weak to dragon type and ice type attacks.
ice and dragon types. glad i could help :)
Dragon type moves Dragon kills them!
Garchomp is a Dragon- and Ground-Type, so it is weak against Dragon-Types and exceptionally weak against Ice-Types.