So, you stole the card from 7 Eleven, eh? Sorry if I'm saying the wrong thing. A wizard101 gift card can only be redeemed after the clerk you purchased from activates it himself. If you stole the card or secretly copied the code on your hand then it's not gonna work because it isn't activated.
Feminist and finalist are 8 letter words. They end with the letters IST.
Its not Availible right now. But ist on RH'S Ship The Migrator
u gota defeat constatin....dint worked with me but i think ist that...
A big hairy arsonist. (A big hairy arse on 'ist').
Pharmacologist, gynecologist, optometrist, therapist, psychiatrist, cardiologist, neurologist, etc.
The German phrase "Wo ist das Geschenk?" translates as "Where is the present" or "Where is the gift?"
Tod ist ein weicher Stuhl in gar fleischlos Gift = death is a soft stool (faeces) in even fleshless poison
That's brilliant can be translated as:das ist tolldas ist spitzedas ist brillantdas ist hervorragenddas ist glänzenddas ist großartigdas ist genialdas ist ausgezeichnet
Was ist das = what ist that
"Was ist das?" = "What is that/it?"
7.30 ist
"What is this?"="Was ist das?" (if it`s meant as a question).
what is a bart starr Ist bowl game mvp worth
Was ist Bier = What is beer
8.30 ist
Was ist sie translates as what is she
Was ist daß = What is this