Pharmacologist, gynecologist, optometrist, therapist, psychiatrist, cardiologist, neurologist, etc.
Feminist and finalist are 8 letter words. They end with the letters IST.
doctor, actor, author, tailor, govenor
veteranarian and other things like that
Actor, surveyor, doctor, author, orator, tailor, solicitor, governor.
pharmacist, nutritionist, pyshcologist, meteorologist, orthodontist , podiatrist, dentist, neurologist , scientist, anthropologist , podiatrist, pharmacologist,
Jobs ending in "ist" typically refer to professions or roles that involve specialized skills or expertise in a particular field. Examples include a biologist (one who studies living organisms), a chemist (one who specializes in the study of chemicals), or a geologist (one who studies the Earth's structure and composition). These jobs often require advanced education and training to excel in their respective fields.
scientist geologist
Pharmasist Physicist Optionist Artist
Feminist and finalist are 8 letter words. They end with the letters IST.
journalist dentist hypnotist stylist opptimist
Jobs ending with "ist" typically refer to professions or occupations that involve a specific skill or expertise. Examples include biologist, chemist, psychologist, and artist. These jobs often require specialized training or education in their respective fields to perform tasks related to their profession.
acupuncturistallergistanthropologistbiologistdentistbotanistchemistcosmetologistcosmologistgenealogistgeologistgynecologistmachinistmanicuristoncologistpathologistpenologistpolitical scientistepidemiologistorthodontistorthopedistpharmacistpolitical scientistpsychiatristpublicistpsychologistreading specialistradiologistscientistseismologisttherapisttranscriptions
The person is a cyclist.