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Try experimenting around with different save types until you find one that works for you.

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Q: Why doesnt mystery dungeon get saved on vba?
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Why can't I save in Pokemon mystery dungeon red rescue team for VBA?

Maybe either the VBA or the Computer is old... or maybe you need some experience... either or...

How to download Pokemon Mystery Dungeon on vba?

You can't download blue, but you can download red. Just find a roms site that has "Pokemon msytery dungeon red" and download it and open it like any other game.

Mystery gift in Pokemon emerald through vba?

First download the latest emulator of vba (1.8) Then go to options>link and make settings and connect then open another vba and connect it. They will be connected and then you can send mystery gift via another vba

How can I fix the save problem with Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team VBA?

I am not positive if this will work, but it sounds like a similar problem with Pokemon Fire Red. On your VBA, go to "Options" scroll down to "Emulator" over to "Save Type". Now change it to "Automatic" and "FLASH 128K".

How do you avoid monster house at buried relic in Vba Pokemon mystery dungeon red rescue team?

you cant dodge it but heres a tip get the TM vaccum cut it does about 20-35 damage to all enemies in the room

Is yu gi oh dungeon dice monsters on the vba?

Well it's on the gba if that's what you mean

How can you save in Pokemon mystery dungeon red rescue team on vba?

You can save it another way by shift +F1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.You can save 10 slots.To load ur game press theslot u have even can save during battles.(e.g.when you fainted you even can reload the saved game so you will not lose your precious money and item) P.s those who use my tip must answer how to get vaccum cut in this game!

Why doesnt your VBA Emulator not work with rar files?

VBA doesn't incorporate the algorithm necessary to unrar a rar file. It can only handle zip files and the roms directly.

How do you open a save on vba?

You open load game and then there are numbers, numbered to 0 to 10. In which number you saved it on click on that and the point were you saved on will come up.

How do you open a saved emerald game on vba with vbalink it does not remember my progress and wants me to start a new game?

you cant.

Your vba won't load your save because of it says unsupported save version 0. How do you fix this?

probably saved with a beta version

I downloaded a saved game file for LeafGreen but when i open it in vba a message appear unsupported file type and then the track to the save.anyone knows whats wrong?

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