Chell is diagnosed with a special speaking disorder unknown to the player
Caroline is Cave Johnson's assistant, as well as wife, and is Chell's mother.
Since Cave Johnson was dying of fatal poisoning from moon rocks, he wanted his engineers to plug his intelligence into some type of "computer". However, he also requested that if he dies before his engineers could do so, Caroline's intelligence would be put into said computer. He died and Caroline was put into GLaDOS. Caroline being Chell's mom is unknown. No one knows who her parents are. Yet there are theories that Caroline is her mom.
commercial portal is a portal of commercials ....
Because GLaDOS said she would possess her if she didn't make a deal!
Black Mesa is a rival science company to Aperture Science. They were originally seen on Half-Life 1 for the ps2 and pc that caused dimenstional shifts bringing an alien race to Earth who enslaved all humans due to a "resonance cascade" that occured due to an experiment involving the Anti-Mass Spectrometer. The only reference to black mesa in portal is in the end credits song where GLaDOS makes a joke that Black Mesa can help Chell. The unexplained punch line is that black mesa was destroyed at the end of half life
Chell - Portal - was created in 2007.
Chell does not speak. She is the main character that you paly as. She is the test subject who survived the neurotoxin disaster which glados created.
Chell is the main player character in the Portal video game series. Chell appears in Portal and Portal 2. Chell was modeled on Alesia Glidewell and was voiced by Mary Kae Irvin.
The main protagonist in the original Portal game is Chell.
Wiki says that Cave Johnson and Caroline from Portal 2 could be Chell's parents.
The cast of Portal - 2007 includes: Alesia Glidewell as Chell Mary Kae Irvin as Chell
No, Chell is released unharmed at the end of Portal 2.
You play as Chell the same as in the first portal and In CO-OP, you can play as two robots named Atlas and P-body
His butt got hurt because he didn't marry Chell
The cast of Portal Kombat - 2011 includes: Rawn Erickson as Chell
Valve wanted to make the player feel like Chell. If they made her talk, it wouldn't feel like you were actually her.
Caroline is Cave Johnson's assistant, as well as wife, and is Chell's mother.