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Black Mesa is a rival science company to Aperture Science. They were originally seen on Half-Life 1 for the ps2 and pc that caused dimenstional shifts bringing an alien race to Earth who enslaved all humans due to a "resonance cascade" that occured due to an experiment involving the Anti-Mass Spectrometer. The only reference to black mesa in portal is in the end credits song where GLaDOS makes a joke that Black Mesa can help Chell. The unexplained punch line is that black mesa was destroyed at the end of half life

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Q: What is black mesa in portal?
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Is Black Mesa evil?

In the game portal, Black mesa is the organization that studies on the main character (you) too see if you can get the prize at the end of the game (cake) .. ( spoiler alert) but sadly there is no cake and black mesa tries to kill you but if you overcome the organizations true maze you succeed with a hunger for cake.

What does Portal have to do with Half-Life?

Portal is set in the same world as Half-life, due to the reference to Black Mesa in the ending credits. Other than that, there is no reference as to when the events in portal take place timeline-wise.

How high is black mesa?

Black Mesa is 4,973' in elevation.

When was Black Mesa Press created?

Black Mesa Press was created in 1981.

Where can one find the source code of Black Mesa?

Someone can find the source code of Black Mesa by visiting the Black Mesa website. On the website they give you all the information you need to know about Black Mesa. The wiki is even editable if you make an account.

Black mesa source on 360?

Black Mesa Source is PC exclusive, and will never be released on consoles.

How was Black Mesa formed?

Black Mesa was formed by volcanic activity around 25-35 million years ago in what is now northeastern Arizona. The mesa is composed of multiple layers of ancient lava flows and sedimentary rocks that accumulated over time. Erosion and tectonic forces then shaped the mesa into its distinctive flat-topped appearance.

Will Black Mesa Source be Available on the Xbox 360?

Black Mesa Mod will NOT be released by the Black Mesa Team for the XBOX 360 platform. Black Mesa is a free PC mod, and if it were to be released for the XBOX, large costs would incur to the development team. Your best bet is to buy HL2 for the PC and use that.

Where is the Black Mesa located in the world?

Black Mesa is a fictional research facility located in the New Mexico desert in the United States within the Half-Life video game series. In the game's storyline, Black Mesa serves as the primary setting where a scientific experiment goes wrong, leading to a lot of chaos and conflict.

When will black mesa-source be released?

About 7

Who founded Black Mesa?

the person who birthed you.

Where in Oklahoma is the Black Mesa?

In the northwest of the Panhandle.