It doesn't have one. However, it is a remake of the first Half-Life, which had an M-rating so it's safe to say that Black Mesa should have an M rating.
Call of Duty Black ops is officially rated M for mature. It is not designed to be a game for children. However, many user reviews seem to place the age rating as appropriate for most 12- to 13-year-olds.
The official rating (as stated through the ESRB) is rated M (18 and over) because of the violence, gore etc.
Black Mesa is a rival science company to Aperture Science. They were originally seen on Half-Life 1 for the ps2 and pc that caused dimenstional shifts bringing an alien race to Earth who enslaved all humans due to a "resonance cascade" that occured due to an experiment involving the Anti-Mass Spectrometer. The only reference to black mesa in portal is in the end credits song where GLaDOS makes a joke that Black Mesa can help Chell. The unexplained punch line is that black mesa was destroyed at the end of half life
The age rating for Black Swan is 14 and up.
Black Mesa is 4,973' in elevation.
Men in black 3 is rated PG
The age is 17+ 16+ for UK
It's rated R.
Black Mesa Press was created in 1981.
where can i get a job as the age 14 and living in mesa AZ
Someone can find the source code of Black Mesa by visiting the Black Mesa website. On the website they give you all the information you need to know about Black Mesa. The wiki is even editable if you make an account.
Black Mesa Source is PC exclusive, and will never be released on consoles.
Depends who your playing with and what kind of mood their in. PG-13 to a M rating most likely.
18 it looks AmAzInG
Black Mesa Mod will NOT be released by the Black Mesa Team for the XBOX 360 platform. Black Mesa is a free PC mod, and if it were to be released for the XBOX, large costs would incur to the development team. Your best bet is to buy HL2 for the PC and use that.