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Q: Why does your ps3 freeze when you put in black ops 2?
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How do you play black ops online for wii?

You must have Internet put onto your Wii. Then you go to Black ops Multiplayer(guessing because I have it on ps3 and dont know if its different on Wii.) .

Where do you put in cheat codes in on call of duty black ops zombies on the PS3?

by handling the controler because it's in the controler that is where it starts

What is the code to put in the computer in black ops to get 15 prestige for ps3?

Unfortunatly there is none, that would ruin he fun of prestiging in multiplayer.

Where do you put in the cheats for call of duty black ops on ps3?

No cheats. Most people use mods and what not by downloading the hack off PC, putting on flash drive, pluging into the PS3, load into it, done.

How do you put the code for old maps on black ops?

Do you mean the World at War maps that only come with the hardened and prestige edition PS3 and Xbox 360 games

What does quick scoping do on MW2 or black ops?

The Best Quick Scoper on Black ops is; Beg_for_Mercy10 he plays the PS3 console if you want to 1v1 him then add him and put a message saying you want to 1v1 him how ever he will delete you after your game is finished please Don't add him for fun.

How do you get dlc for Call of Duty black ops?

well on a ps3 you go on to the psn store and search what your looking for then you put in your credit card number and stuff and download it on x box you go to the game marketplace the go to a-z and find black ops then all the dlcs should be there

What do you put in the computer in black ops to have all guns?

Sadly, There is nothing. You can't do that in Black Ops.

How do you put Call of Duty Black Ops In iPod touch?

well, if you want to put black ops zombies in your ipod touch you go to itunes and type in zombies black ops and download the app.

Do you need internet for Call of Duty Black Ops annihlation?

All the Call of Duty Black Ops DLCs for the PS3 and Xbox 360 including Annihilation must be downloaded on your game console. You can only download with the internet connection to your machine. You can not get the download off a PC and put it in your console.

Do you need internet for Call of Duty Black Ops Rezurrection?

All the Call of Duty Black Ops DLCs for the PS3 and Xbox 360 including Rezurrection must be downloaded on your game console. You can only download with the internet connection to your machine. You can not get the download off a PC and put it in your console.

Do you need internet for Call of Duty Black Ops Escalation?

All the Call of Duty Black Ops DLCs for the PS3 and Xbox 360 including Escalation must be downloaded on your game console. You can only download with the internet connection to your machine. You can not get the download off a PC and put it in your console.