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3arc unlock 3arc intel zork doa

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Q: What do you put in the computer on black ops main menu?
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What is ZORK in black ops?

zork is a game mode in black ops. you unlock it by going to thecomputer behind you after the start menu.

How do you put in cheats on cod black ops 2?

To put in cheats on COD Black Ops 2 you need to the main menu. From the main menu you type your cheat code into the cheat computer. Examples of cheat codes include DOA, 3ARC INTEL, and 3ARC Unlock

Can you play mulitplayer in black ops wii?

Obviously, its on the main menu.

Is five on Call of Duty Black Ops an expansion?

no it is a map you unlock after you beat solo campaign or you can unlock it by imputting a code into the computer in the main menu

How do you get on the mini game on Call of Duty Black Ops for wii?

i dont think you get mini games in black ops wii but if you do you have to type in the code for the computer in he main menu if wii has that i dont know the code but you can look it up on cod black ops game cheats

How do you get zombie mode for black ops on xbox360?

Beat the game on hardend or just put the cheat in at the computer at the main menu by getting out of the chair, go on

How do you unlock 5 on black ops zombies?

You can either complete campaign, or when you're in the main menu you stand up, walk to the computer and type in 3ARC UNLOCK.

Can you put black ops map packs on world at war?

yes you have to get out of the chair on black ops on the main menu then you go to the computer and put ''zombie waw'' then when you insert the world at war disc you now will have the maps on world at war.

How do you get call of duty map packs for black ops?

go to store on the main menu

How do you get the map pack for Call of Duty Black Ops?

go to store on the main menu

What are black ops cheats?

You can get out of the chair that mason is sitting in at the main menu. Find the computer and type in 3arc unlock. You will unlock the five zombie map and the arcade mode.

How do you get to Call of Duty nazi zombies?

all right on black ops on the main menu their will say zombies click on it or you have to breack out of the chair and type in to the computer 3arc or 5arc