Whenever the ps3 experiances major temperature fluxuations, usually after turning the system on or off, the plastic will flex creating a cracking noise. This noise has been observed on the slim models as well as older models of the Ps3
İts normal buddy but i prefer to put some thing under the ps3 to let it breath
its made by sony which isn't the best company get an xbx 360 its not noisy at all. Sony is a much better Company and Better thought of for making electronics than the Computer Software giant Microsoft is. Your new PS3 should make less noise than an Xbox 360 or the Older model PS3s and if you have added the unneeded cooling fan maybe that is making all the noise. Otherwise you have a problem that will continue to worsen and needs replacement. Try to determine if the noise is coming from your disc drive by using the PS3 without a game in the disc and see if it continues to make noise. This is easy to do playing a demo that has been downloaded for free from the PlayStation store.
If you mean the backround noise then you cant, if you mean the talking in general you would have to change the language on your ps3 itself
You don't you can not make a PS3 play PS2 games by downloading software Software is designed to make hardware work and the PS3 does not have PS2 hardware it has PS3 hardware and the PS2 software will not work on the PS3
The best way to make your PS3 faster is to reboot it. If you do not want to loose your stuff you may want to save it to the PS3 network or a removable USB drive.
The PS3 fat makes more noise when it is being used than the PS3 slim
İts normal buddy but i prefer to put some thing under the ps3 to let it breath
its made by sony which isn't the best company get an xbx 360 its not noisy at all. Sony is a much better Company and Better thought of for making electronics than the Computer Software giant Microsoft is. Your new PS3 should make less noise than an Xbox 360 or the Older model PS3s and if you have added the unneeded cooling fan maybe that is making all the noise. Otherwise you have a problem that will continue to worsen and needs replacement. Try to determine if the noise is coming from your disc drive by using the PS3 without a game in the disc and see if it continues to make noise. This is easy to do playing a demo that has been downloaded for free from the PlayStation store.
When they breathe or move the headset/ touch it
It's a bad sign of a fan that is not working at it's best
You will get the Yellow Light of Death. Usually the best way to tell if the RSX is separated from the board is when you turn on your PS3 the machine will make a "humm" noise as it shuts down to the red blinking light. If it YLODS without the humming noise then it is definitely a bad power supply but 90% of the time a YLOD is caused by the RSX separated from the board.
If you mean the backround noise then you cant, if you mean the talking in general you would have to change the language on your ps3 itself
No. Xbox Live Gold is more secure than PSN and the Xbox is superior anyway. I disagree. Sure someone did hack PSN but someone hacked Xbox LIVE too. For game play PS3 is AWESOME. For graphics PS3 is AWESOME. For originality I give it a 8/10 because it takes some Xbox360 titles. For it's life line i give it a 10/10 because of the PS2 and PS1. Also, PS3 wont get a "Red Ring of Death" or anything like that. It will begin to make a really loud noise from its fans and that's when you shut it off.
You need a license from Sony to make a PS3 game
You don't you can not make a PS3 play PS2 games by downloading software Software is designed to make hardware work and the PS3 does not have PS2 hardware it has PS3 hardware and the PS2 software will not work on the PS3
To make your ps3 wi-fi stronger just simply move the ps3 closer to the router or vice-versa.
Sure does. Although it's loud. Still better than PS3 though.