Mostly it is because of crashes
Crashes may be caused by:
Minecraft randomly spawns different biomes. Simply create a map and explore. You'll find a forest eventually.
You can get pumpkin seeds randomly in chests in dungeons in Minecraft.Pumpkin seeds in Minecraft can be crafted from pumpkins in the crafting grid.
Every map has them, as they are randomly generated.
You'll have to find a stronghold. They're randomly in blocks. Edit for updated game versions: They can now be randomly found in Extreme Hills biomes as well.
It can be obtained randomly for higher level enchants (I find I get it about 15 or higher).
they spawn randomly.
Randomly around the map
they randomly spawn all over.
Hard to say as they are randomly generated.
Minecraft seeds only control the landscape. The creatures spawn randomly.
You have to download the mod from minecraft to get the lucky blocks. Then the lucky blocks will spawn randomly across the surface.
Minecraft randomly spawns different biomes. Simply create a map and explore. You'll find a forest eventually.
You can get pumpkin seeds randomly in chests in dungeons in Minecraft.Pumpkin seeds in Minecraft can be crafted from pumpkins in the crafting grid.
there isn't one its randomly gen
Every map has them, as they are randomly generated.
No, there are preset spawners undrground and hidden ones in blocks.
They can randomly be spewed out of the Nether reactor whilst in operation.