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you have to beet both veteren and hardened to make it 100 percent

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Q: Why does it say 50 percent completion after you beat the story mode in modern warfare 2?
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Does cod modern warfare 2 have co-oprative story mode?


Can you play coop on Call of duty 6 mordean warfare 2?

A specail operations mode will be featured in Modern Warfare 2, comparable to the "Mile High Club" epilogue mission in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare consising of isolated missions in a variety of settings unrelated to the campaign story. The main campaign will not support cooperative play, but the "Special Forces" mode will have a two-player cooperative option.

How do you play co-op in modern warfare 2?

Go to "Special Ops" in your menu, rather than campaign or multiplayer, select 2 players then choose a mission. It's not a story based co-op, unfortunately.

What is better call of duty modern warfare 1 or 2?

PKMASTER007: Since I Have Both, There are both good points and bad points about Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare2 , the missions in Modern Warfare are epic, but Modern Warfare 2 focuses more on other genres, like the Getaway in Cliffhanger, and is more challenging. The Multiplayer in Modern Warfare 2 is similar, but there are added parts here and there e.g Capture The Flag, and Create a Class. But the multiplayer in Modern Warfare 2 is P2P so there is a lot of lag. In my opinion, both are great, if you like Multiplayer then buy Modern Warfare, If you like Campaign than buy MW2. SOALRIC: In my opinion, I like MW2 better, because campaign is better, but also because there is more stuff in multi player, like upgraded perks, throwing knives, and you can choose your kill streak awards. Also, if you stink, you get a death streak perk, which really helps when you die all the time. PKMASTER007: I agree the campaign is better, the multiplayer is a bit... lopsided, since if you play longer you have more chance to get more cooler perks and equipment and gives you a more unfair advantage to like people who just start playing. KMAN786: Well that's kinda the same in all online games really. It is the same with cod 4, when you just start you just get the basic guns while the others might be a higher level with better guns. that's reality really. The question: i think that both are are really good games. however i think that you should play cod4 to really understand cod 6 (example soap and price meeting again) ShaneHaughey: I must disagree that the campaign of MW2 is superior to COD4's. This is not to say that MW2 has a lacking campaign in terms of mission design- it is slightly ahead of COD4 in that department, I believe. However, if you are truly thinking of playing the singleplayer enough to consider it enough to be defined as a point of purchase, story must be considered. And the story of MW2, while chock full of good ideas, is terribly executed. It has large gaping holes in terms of plot, character, and logic. COD4's story was not anything special, but it set up the who, what, where, why and let you go at it. MW2's ideas in terms of story are wonderful, but the execution was sloppy. I also believe that MW2 is a bit shorter than COD4. I would say that COD4's singleplayer is better due to a poorly executed storyline in MW2.

What is the order of the call of duty games for ps3?

1.CoD 1 2. CoD 2 3.CoD 3 4. CoD 4 A.K.A MW 5.CoD 5 A.K.A WaW 6. CoD 6 A.K.A MW2 7.CoD 7 A.K.A BO 8. CoD 8 A.K.A MW3 Story Wise 1.CoD 1 2. CoD 2 3.CoD 3 That is the ww2 story CoD 5 has its own story Now the Modern Warfare Story 1. CoD 4 A.K.A MW 2. CoD 6 A.K.A MW2 3. CoD 8 A.K.A MW3 Black ops doesnt have much of a story mostly just missions. -PSN xXnInJaPoNyXx -GT xXuRn3z22Xx

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the single player modern warfare is a campaign story, and the multiplayer has different game modes where you compete against other players and level up, but theres no story.

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The Modern Warfare 3 story mode starts right off where Modern Warfare 2 ended.

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Modern Warfare 3 has not been confirmed but if it continues the story than yes.

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No, Call of Duty: Black Ops doesn't continue the story line from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Those two games are set in entirely different eras.

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There are rumors that there will be a modern warfare 3 coming out as the next call of duty. The game will be a prequel to modern warfare 2 as it focuses more on the story of ghost, who died in modern warfare 2

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Should you play call of duty modern warfare before you play modern warfare 2?

yes you should if you want to follow the story line in the campaign mode

Is the story of modern warfare 2 came first before modern warfare 1?

No it is set after. Watching the Intro and the scenes in between the missions should make this clear.

Why does it say 50 percent comletion on modern warfare 3 after you beat the story mode?

if you finish it on regular it is half way done you have to finish it ob harder difficulty's to make it 100%