Go to "Special Ops" in your menu, rather than campaign or multiplayer, select 2 players then choose a mission.
It's not a story based co-op, unfortunately.
A specail operations mode will be featured in Modern Warfare 2, comparable to the "Mile High Club" epilogue mission in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare consising of isolated missions in a variety of settings unrelated to the campaign story. The main campaign will not support cooperative play, but the "Special Forces" mode will have a two-player cooperative option.
play in a private match
Play online
Yes, a keyboard is necessary to play Modern Warfare 2 on PC, however you cannot use a keyboard to play Modern Warfare 2 on PlayStation 3 nor Xbox 360.
It not a part of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Not really. The campaign will still not make sense, even if you played the first Modern Warfare.
A specail operations mode will be featured in Modern Warfare 2, comparable to the "Mile High Club" epilogue mission in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare consising of isolated missions in a variety of settings unrelated to the campaign story. The main campaign will not support cooperative play, but the "Special Forces" mode will have a two-player cooperative option.
No they are two diffrent games.
Yes, it's on ds which you can play on dsi, it is calledCall of Duty: Modern Warfare Mobilizedf
Go to the main menu and select Multiplayer... Then Play Online...
and strings
You don't play...
Yes you can but it is a series
X-Play - 2003 Twilight Modern Warfare 2 was released on: USA: 11 January 2010