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In fish, muscle fibers are much shorter than they are in beef, and collagen dissolves easily during cooking. So fish cooks quickly and there's no tenderizing to do.

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Q: Why does fish cook faster than meat?
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Does white turkey meat cook faster than dark turkey meat?

I believe that dark meat would cook faster since it contains more fat and heat is attracted to fat.

Why is it that fish are easy to cook than meat and meat product?

No, meat is usually easier to cook.

What cooks faster white or dark meat?

White meat cooks faster than dark meat when you are making chicken. Dark meat has more fat and this is why it takes longer to cook.

Does chicken breast cook faster if its cut up rather than whole?

Yes. Chicken breast will cook faster if the pieces are smaller. Cook until there is absolutely no hint of pink or 165 degrees in the center. Small digital meat thermometers are great kitchen tools.

Why is fish quicker to cook than meat?

Fish protein is unique and quite different from the meat found in land animals. There are 3 main reasons why fish would take less time to cook than meat.CollagenFish muscle contains less collagen by weight (only ~3%) as compared to land animal meat (~15%). Collagen are dense connective tissues that require time and moisture to gelatinize or soften. Therefore, less collagen means less cooking time.HydroxyprolineHydroxyproline is an amino acid found in the collagen of meat and it is this amino acid that accounts for the "toughness" of said collagen. Fish meat has less of this amino acid so whatever little collagen it has, it is also faster to gelatinize.Shorter muscle fiberThe muscle structure of fish are very short and typically less than an inch in length. Shorter muscle fibers means more tender flesh and a shorter cooking time.

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Can you cook two different meats on the same pan?

You can cook pork and chicken in the same pan together. It all depends on the dish. Recipes such as stew would work well with both pork and chicken combined.

The use of fish tail?

The use of fish tail is that its help the Fish swim faster than its preadator. Like if the Shark was after a Fish than the fish wolud have to use its tail to swim faster than its preadator which is Shark.

Can you cook raw meat and vegetables together?

As long as you cook the meat thoroughly (because it may take longer to cook than the veggies, depending on thickness), it should be safe.

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Mussels generally cook faster than clams because of their thinner shells, however a small clam will likely cook faster than a very large mussel.

Does a long fish swim faster than short fish?

i think that a short one swims faster

Will two 5-pound rib roasts cook faster than one 10-pound one?

Two 5 lb. roasts will cook faster than a single 10 pound one as long as they are separated in the roasting pan. In part this is because a smaller roast will always cook faster than a larger one. In part, this is because by cutting the 10 lb. roast in half and separating the halves, you are increasing the surface area of the meat. The greater the surface area, the quicker the chemical reaction, in this case, cooking.