

Best Answer

You know, if I really think about it, the only thing about look all too rabbity (is that a word? XDDDD;;) was its tail. All jagged and pointy, that definitely did not fall under the category of "fluffy."

But, that's just my opinion. I'd share more, but I am not interested in listening to people gripe at my opinions. It's all a waste of time, mine and theirs, and quite frankly, there's no way to prevent what would follow that action. If you want a real answer, just ask the creator.

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Q: Why does Pikachu look like a rabbit but is called a Mouse Pokemon?
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Related questions

Is Pikachu a big mouse Pokemon?

No. Pikachu isn't a big mouse pokemon. Pikachu is just a mouse pokemon.

Is there an animal called a pikachu?

there's a animal called pikachu in pokemon world. he is a electric mouse.

Is Pikachu from Pokemon a chinchilla or a mouse?

According to its Pokedex entries, it refers Pikachu as a Mouse Pokemon. This adorable Pokemon is based off the mouse-like rodent called a Pika, which was first found in China.

Pikachu is a type of dog?

NNOOOOOOOOOOOO obviously not. pikachu is a mouse Pokemon

What kind of animal is the Pokemon Pikachu?

Pikachu is an electric Chincilla. Many think it is a mouse, but the body and tail are too big for a mouse. --No its not, Pikachu is an electric mouse. Pidgeot is a pidgeon but is also too big for its size. If you have a Pokemon game, go the the Pokedex and you will see that Pikachu is described as an electric mouse.

Is pikachu a electric mouse type Pokemon?


Pikachu is a dog not a mouse?

no it isn't in the tv shoe it says a mouse type Pokemon

This Pokemon looks like a mouse at birth but after evolution it resembles a rabbit?

Marill is the Aqua Mouse Pokemon. It evolves into Azumarill, the Aqua Rabbit Pokemon.

What sort of creature is Pikachu?

pikach is a type of mouse Pokemon

Pikachu Rattatta Raticate and Cyndaquil are mouse pokemon what is the mouse pokemon?

Technically pikachu is a mouse pokemon.pikachu is, as the name implies, based on a pika. Pikachu looks just like one. The chu might just add some cuteness since it means "kiss".

Which yellow mouse like creature is the mascot of the Pokemon franchise?


What animal is chikorita?

Chikorita is literally a leaf Pokemon, unlike Pikachu which is a mouse Pokemon, and Charmeleon a lizard.