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GLaDOS is different in Portal 2 because she is in another body. We know there are multiple GLaDOS chassis because in the comic there are multiple GLaDOS prototypes and in the games she activates multiple cores, is put in to the POTaTOS body and tells the robots P-Body and ATLAS that there is an intruder in one of her old chassis and forces them to confront it. However her new body is and old prototype and has very limited power over the facility and in the multiplayer function the robots put discs into the GLaDOS mainframe and restore her to full power. The way the prototype body got down to the GLaDOS control room is decaying walls and floors that crumble over the decades allowing the body to drop in.

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Q: Why does GLaDOS have a different head in portal 2?
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In the game Portal what does GLaDOS stand for?

In Portal(2) GLaDOS stands for the Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System.

Who is GLaDOS?

GLaDOS stands for.......(Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System) GLaDOS is the sentient computer system that manages Aperture Laboratories is Portal. She is the antagonist throughout Portal 1 and the first part of Portal 2.

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Few swearing words. For example, GLaDOS says "What the hell is going on here?"

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In Portal 2, GLaDOS looks different due to the changes made to her appearance by the game developers. The redesign was intended to reflect her evolution throughout the game's storyline, as she undergoes various transformations and upgrades. The changes in her appearance also serve to visually represent her deteriorating state and shifting motivations as the narrative progresses.

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GLaDOS Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System I'd say her real name but it would ruin the surprise.

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no, portal, (unlike its newer, more interactive counterpart) is not as good as portal 2, portal only has solving much more difficult tests, and, although they are funny, a few comments by GLaDOS, however, if you are more for solving puzzles instead of having a complex and interesting storyline, go ahead. in my opinion, there is no comparison to Portal 2.

Why can GLaDOS move in Portal 2 and yet in Portal 1 she only can look down?

In Portal 1 people say that Caroline hasn't had her mind put in but she kills everyone in the facility (Aperture Laboratories) so it is not that. So can you figure it out?

Who does the voice of chell in portal 2?

Chell does not speak. She is the main character that you paly as. She is the test subject who survived the neurotoxin disaster which glados created.

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What is appature?

a company from the games portal 1 and 2 which is controlled by an out of control self operating computer glados .the companys sole perpuse is to test the highly experimental portal gun which allows you to shoot a portal one place and connect to another one somewhere else