The game may be damaged try to see if you can fix it if not you may have to start fresh.
just start a new game. there will be a warning, just ignore it and it will delete the file as soon as you save in the new game.
find the file you designated to hold pokemon fire red files, each save should be numbered, right click and select delete. Done
On the title screen, press Up, Select and B together. This will permanently delete your file.
right click and click "move to trash" or "delete"
delete the game
just start a new game. there will be a warning, just ignore it and it will delete the file as soon as you save in the new game.
Simply select New Game on the options screen and then save on the new file.
find the file you designated to hold pokemon fire red files, each save should be numbered, right click and select delete. Done
Go on to delete
how to delete a file using keyboard
Navigate to the file and click the Delete File link
You can delete it by going into Windows Explorer, finding the file, right clicking it, and clicking delete.
Just right click on the file and click "Delete File(s)" UPDATE: IF IT WONT DELETE YOUR SCREWED!
If it is a file delete the file. Or if it is REAL MALWARE then scan your system and delete it. I myself delete harmful .vbs files off of the internet.
It depends what you want to do. On Macs, you have a forward delete (the delete you know from windows) and a backwards delete (backspace). If you want to forward delete, you can press Fn + Back delete. If you want to, for example, delete a file, then you press CMD + Back delete, which skips any warning messages and sends it straight to the trash (handy sometimes).
Just use 'Search' to find the file and then delete it from the file/folder.
Go to the file and close it, or close the app that is using it. Then delete.