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Grunts (Uggnoy) have masks because the only air they can breathe is methane. The masks supply them with it.

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Q: Why do grunts on halo have masks?
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Do halo 3 grunts live if you shoot off their face masks or do they die after a bit?

they live

What halo game can you be grunts on multiplayer?

I am not currently aware of any Halo games where you can play as grunts

What is covenant mean in halo?

The covenant is an alien species in halo including grunts and elites.

Can halo grunts go into vacuum without special gear?

No, they breath methane gas which is why they are (almost) always shown with. The triangular tanks on their backs and masks on their faces, they would need that ,at least, to survive in vacuum.

Do grunts have plasma grenades on Halo 3?

yes they do

If you can be grunts in the halo games which one can you do it on custom games?

You can only do it on HALO 1 on the Computer with mods.

What are the halo baddies called?

grunts, jakkels, brutes and elites.

What is the best gun on grunts to use in halo reach firefight?


How do you get new masks in halo?

By earning achievements.

The Following Question is related to Bungies Game Triliogy Halo If the the Elites the Grunts and the Hunters side with you on Halo 2 why do the Hunters and Grunts attack you on Halo 3?

In halo 2 the hunters, grunts, and elites are technically sided with the arbiter. The arbiter later sides with master chief and around that time the elites decide to not follow the other alien brethren so the hunters and grunts no longer side with you. In the end once all the prophets are dead, the elites return to their home-world so they may once again be a part of their brethren.

How do you make a grunt on halo reach?

You can't it is impossible, anyone who told you that is trying to trick you

Are the grunts and hunters in Halo 3 your allies?

Sadly no, the creators of Halo 3 felt that if you had hunters and grunts as allies(the ones that sided with the Elites) and enemies(the ones that sided with the Prophets and Brutes) it would confuse the player. But some still stayed sided with the Elites, but you just don't see them in Halo 3, you see them in Halo 2 during the Covenant Civil War.