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Because they are fun!!! But the games does not make you smart. Don't you know your abc? you remember the game but you don't remember the stuff that you learn. Note: It is really really true it will happen to you!! ;(

I'll be honest - I play them to see if the Boy likes me... Try and trigger reactions..

Bad relly, i know.

Answer: Girls, before they reach mental maturity, will suffer from insecurity. Attempting to control whatever they can, including boys, will help them to feel more powerful and secure.

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Q: Why do girls play mind games?
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What games can the girls play?

" the girls" can play any games they want to play

How do you know if a girl is playing mind games?

Having been married for decades and being the father of a beautiful 14 year old girl, I have managed to learn one thing about girls. If they are awake, they are playing a mind game somewhere! Just ignore it and enjoy! Yes, and girls often play mind games with themselves as well. These can be the most confusing mind games of all.

Why does a Gemini man play mind games in relationships?

Such generalisations are incorrect. People that play mind games are not necessarily Gemini, nor do all Gemini males play mind games.

Where can a young lady go to play some spa games?

A young lady can play online some spa games at Games for Girls Club, Girls Go Games and Girls Games 123. Such games are also available at Dress Up Gal and Girls Play.

Why do girls like playing power games being both the controller yet the worshiper?

That's just the way all teenage girls are. They all play mind games. They all play hard to get. Essentially, they always switch up their methods of affection/flirting.

How do i play mind games on my husband?

You play mind games on him by phone tapping him on any radio station. That will make him lose his mind for sure

Why do girls play video games?

Girls play video games because they can. No one has the right to say they cannot play them. Girls can do whatever they want: play video games, become video game programmers, or whatever. : )

Are sims games are for girls?

no, boys and girls can both play the sims games

Do men play mind games?

Some do.

Are video games for boys only?

No girls can definitely play video games! Some are designed for girls!

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Can girls play boy sports?

yes if u set your mind to it