lunar days sim date chrono days sim date anime days sim date 1.0/2.0/2.5
You go on Nintendo ds settings and go on date and change the date to a previous date.
u have to change your ds time and date then your Pokemon games time and date will be the same
no date has been released yet.
Change the date on your DS/DSi
The word "date" is a feminine noun in French.
It depends which country you are referring to and at what date
Appuntamento, data, dattero and giorno are Italian equivalents of the English word "date."Specifically, the masculine word appuntamento designates "meeting." The feminine noun data identifies "date" on a building or coin. The masculine noun dattero indicates the fruit of the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera). The masculine noun giorno literally translates as "day" and loosely as "date" in terms of meeting at a later date or on a subsequent day.The respective pronunciations will be "ap-POON-ta-MEN-to," "DA-ta," "dat-TEY-ro" and "DJOR-no" in Italian.
Un appuntamento tipico italiano is one Italian equivalent of the English phrase "a typical Italian date."Specifically, the masculine number or singular indefinite article un is "a, one." The masculine noun appuntamento means "date, meeting." The masculine adjective tipico means "typical." The masculine adjective italiano translates as "Italian."The pronunciation will be "OO-nap-POON-ta-MEN-to TEE-pee-ko EE-ta-LYA-no" in Italian.
numbers in Italian are not masculine or feminine because they describe a noun. When used to say the date, the article is always il. For example, il 5 aprile.
Protection and dominance is tied to personality, not stature.
well, it had its high and lows depending on the date, and it was no doubt a very powerful nation empire when joined up with hungary- and i do believe, using my background knowledge, yes, it was a dominant power of eastern europe
Dattero is the Italian equivalent of 'date fruit'. It's a masculine gender noun that's in its singular form in the example. Its plural form is 'datteri'. The word is pronounced 'DAH-teh-roh'.
Literally: What is the date of your birthdate? Simply: When/what date is your birthdate? Quelle=What (feminine-singular form, pronoun), est=conjugation of être="to be," la date=the date (feminine noun), de=of, ton=your, anniversaire=birthdate (masculine noun).
Depending on how it's used, diēs can be either masculine or feminine. According to the Oxford Latin Dictionary, it is generally masculine, but "frequently or usually" feminine when it is personified as a deity, when it refers to a specific day (e.g., the date of a letter, or an appointed day for business), when it refers to the passing of time, "and occasionally elsewhere." Gildersleeve's Latin Grammar further notes that although diēs is "common" (i.e., both masculine and feminine) in the singular, it is masculine in the plural.
Are you kidding? Why would they want to stop a bunch of masculine testosterone driven young men in their prime from having girlfriends. Of course.
Negli ultimi dodici mesi is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "year-to-date".Specifically, the word negli is "in the". The masculine adjective ultimi means "last". The number dodici means "twelve (12)". The masculine noun mesitranslates as "months".The pronunciation will be "NEY-lyee OOL-tee-mee DO-dee-tchee MEY-see" in Italian.