Brock squints his eyes because he and his entire family (excluding his mother) have poor eyesight. That explains why Pike Queen Lucy had a crush on him.
Im guessing they liked brocks eyes seems to be always closed (thats how he's drawn)
I've always wondered why but when he hears a pretty girl (Nurse Joy for example) talking about something that he finds romantic then he just might open his eyes. I saw it happen once and they actually look quite creepy...
Brock's gym is in Pewter City.
the vulpix got into a lesbian relationship with misty.
Venonat i think
Im guessing they liked brocks eyes seems to be always closed (thats how he's drawn)
I had to squint my eyes to read the sign
Its in Pewter city.
I had to squint my eyes when looking at the screen because I couldn't see properly.
shutting your eyes half way:)
squint eyes
The term "Chinese squint" is a stereotype that is not accurate. The misconception may be due to the epicanthic fold seen in some East Asian populations, which can give the appearance of narrower eyes. However, it does not affect vision or cause people to intentionally squint.
45756765 Otherwise known as, Over 9000.
Brocks happiny evolves and stuff...
A manifest lack of parallelism of the visual axes of the eyes. Syn: crossed eyes, heterotropia, strabismus
A manifest lack of parallelism of the visual axes of the eyes. Syn: crossed eyes, heterotropia, squint