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I've always wondered why but when he hears a pretty girl (Nurse Joy for example) talking about something that he finds romantic then he just might open his eyes. I saw it happen once and they actually look quite creepy...

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Q: Why are Brocks eyes always closed?
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Snakes do not have eyelids, so their eyes are always open.

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There is no definitive answer to this question as there are varying portraits and descriptions of Sir Isaac Brock, a historical figure.

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Karl Brocks was born on 1912-01-29.

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Karl Brocks died on 1972-05-29.

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Are dogs born?

Yes, most of them are. Because the eyes are to sensitive to be exposed to light, the eye lids stay closed to protect the eyes. This is not always the case.

When was And She Closed Her Eyes created?

And She Closed Her Eyes was created on 1994-04-18.

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No, you cannot see anything with your eyes closed.

Do the eyeballs get removed after death?

Not normally, no. The eyes are always closed in an open casket viewing, to show "repose" of the deceased.

Why do my eyes always seem to be closed in pictures?

Your eyes may appear closed in pictures due to blinking at the moment the photo is taken, or because of the angle of your head and the way light reflects off your eyes. It can also be influenced by how relaxed or tense your facial muscles are when the picture is taken.