The reason is because Millsberry didn't make enough money on membership and similar problems. It was an awesome site and it deserved to stay online a little longer but unfortunately it couldn't. If you are a girl and you need another website, is a good option. If you're a guy, is another big one I'd recommend you to try.
Your game shuts down when someone (usually the Admins or the Owner) decide to shut it down for what ever reason they though fit. Also there are scripts that can shut it down or people can hack and shut it down.
It was temporarily shut down to protest SOPA and PIPA.
Club Peguin. Millsberry SUCKS ! I believe club penguin does tooo . ;DD but its better than millsberry .
Yes the me2 universe website is shut down.
Nothing Toxic has been shut down since 2011.
Millsberry doesn't exist anymore. It was shut down, sorry!
millsberry has shut down and I think they should bring it back
because its finished theyve shut it down :0
millsberry is shuting down
You sign up then get a house then play arcarde games to earn millsberry money then go to the stores to buy thing for your house and have fun.It is basically an online world where you can show off.Update: Millsberry has now been shut down.
Millsberry, free website for all to play, has recently shut down. The reason was that Millsberry wasn't making much of a profit, many users didn't use it any longer, and their cereal sponsors weren't making a profit either. For the 6 years that Millsberry was open, us citizens all enjoyed it greatly. It will deffinately be a site that will be missed.
NO! THE SHUT IT DOWN IT SAYS THIS N0W: Millsberry was an awesome place for kids to be themselves, connect with other kids and their virtual buddies, play games and have a blast! WE WERE SAD TO SAY FAREWELL TO SUCH A PHENOMENAL TOWN, but we're happy to tell you about lots of cool stuff you can download now like:Instant Messenger icons, Wallpapers, Downtown Millsberry History Book and Posters It sucks i know one day i wanted to play and i was disappointed :'(
Scroll down and click dojo. indianajones66
You just shut down computer has not shut down.
Nickelodeon has not shut down.