

Why cant you hear roblox sounds?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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You should turn your headphones on then. :/

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Q: Why cant you hear roblox sounds?
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yes, animals hear thousands of high pitched noises that we cant hear at all. hope this helps :)

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I think its the sounds that people can think they hear when they cant hear. Thats when Audiologists had to become psycic. Think if the deaf student can hear.

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These sounds have got a specific name. They are known as Ultrasounds. We can hear them, but the problem is that they cause the eardrum to vibrate too much and hence they are incomprehensible.

What animals can hear sounds that you can't?

Dogs Dolphins and bats can all hear things that humans cant and so can cats but only sometimes.dogs ganot hear pepole but the can here dog whistle that we hardly hear.

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We can hear alot of sounds

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