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you cant get it

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Q: How do you get teapot turret on roblox?
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Related questions

How do you get a teapot on roblox?

If you a teapot in roblox, You need The disered amount of R$/Robux.

How do you make a turret on roblox?

Depending on what kind of turret you want, you can get one from the free models or build one yourself. Building a turret yourself requires and extensive knowledge of scripting. You can find some good scripting tutorials by searching for "Roblox Scripting Lessons" on Google.

How do you control a turet on roblex?

You mean ROBLOX? Anyway, you need to get a Turret tool.

What was the first hat ever made on roblox?

I believe it it was a teapot hat that was created as a test.

What is in the mega vip c set in roblox base war?

two pistils ,turret,flame thrower, blue knife,and a gun that is a lancher and at the same time a autogun

What sentence use the word turret?

A turret is a tower. The guards gathered at the top of the turret.

How do you use the turret on Roblox?

Different turrets have different controls. Most player-controlled ones use a special tool. You then usually click somewhere to aim then press F to fire.

What is the best turret in edgeworld?

hi i am the guy who asked this question. its between turrets which costs incendiary cores to upgrade. it is basicly which is the best between incendiary turret, anti-tank turret, corrosive turret, sniper turret and heavyweight turret.

Six letter word starting with t and ending with t?

* talent * teapot * truant * tyrant * truest * target * taught * tenant * thwart * threat * thrift * throat * thrust * ticket * toilet * torrid * tumult * turret

Is the roof of a car called a turret?


Can you get the rocket turret on box head the zombie wars?

No. but you can get the mortar turret and machina gun turret.

Possessive form for teapot?

The possessive form of the noun teapot is teapot's.Example: The teapot's whistle will tell you when the water is boiling.