

Best Answer

probably youy age is to low try lieing and doing a high age like over 20 ages

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Q: Why can't I rename my Roblox place?
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How do you rename a place on Roblox?

Go to My Roblox, then profile and click on configure place (wich should be just under the picture of your place)

How do you rename your games on roblox?

You go to configure place. Then, change the title. Then save. Hope this helps.

How do you bring out your items for your place on roblox?

you cant

How to rename your t-shirt in ROBLOX?

Configure it

How do you get rid of teams on roblox?

You ave to go to roblox edit and select spawns the rename the spaws or delete them.

How do you make team names on roblox?

Open your place in the Roblox studio. In the explorer select teams and find your team. Click the team you want to rename and type in the desired name in the "Name" property of the team.

How do you get OBC lifetime for free?

You cant it's not a place where you can hack OBC on Roblox.

How do you rename something on ROBLOX without Tools?

Unless you are in edit mode, it is not possible to rename an object without some kind of building tool. You can get building tools that can do this on the free models. Without a tool or some other script though, you cannot rename objects while playing a game on Roblox.

Why cant you build in your groups place on roblox?

You can if you are the owner or have permission. If not, there is probably something wrong with your server. Ask an adult or contact roblox staff for help.

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you cant...

What does the name radisha mean?

the name radisha mean bueatifull in Africa and it was also a name of a place that is now rename some years but i cant remember the new name of the place.

How do you put a message on a block in roblox?

You use a Decal in free decals. First of all, I recommend using Roblox Studio. Open ROBLOX Studio, and go to View, and click Explorer. Click Insert and choose Object. Find Model. Go to your place, and select the brick. Drag the brick into the model. Rename the brick "Head" While having the model selected in Explorer, click Insert and Object. Find Humanoid, and click it. Rename the model what you want, and the text should appear. -Bayat