The explorer ring (3) allows you to teleport to the cabbage patch. When you arrive via the ring, you form out of a cabbage, making it look like a birth.
Blizzard never announces the dates when patches are released until this is set in stone, so their standard answer is "when it's ready". That said, the most likely release date will be mid-november 2011.
yes the eta team said it will come out
Turns out the mods said that it should come out this year or in 2010! =D
Wondering that myself. Mom always said it,she was from small town Texas.
As you said, south of Falador, north of Port Sarim, you can get there by using cabbage patch teleport on an Explorer's Ring ( 3 )
Bok Choy is a type of Chinese cabbage said to have originated before the 15th century. It is related to the cabbage found in North America. It is commonly used in stir-fry and cooked vegetable dishes.
They think there 'ard
Yes, Patch is attracted to Nora in the "Hush, Hush" series by Becca Fitzpatrick. Their relationship develops throughout the books.
Yes, not sure how but it's said that cabbage has and odor that odor might be what flies smell, once you see one these multiple
No. It is from the late Middle English and Old French. It does mean head in those. It is also from the Canadian English slang "Cabbage-town" were people were said to be backward and eat nothing but cabbage.
The patch is from the 1st Special Service Force, sometimes known as "The Devils's Brigade".
A 2003 report said that a University of Kentucky researcher had applied for a patent for the patch which used synthetic cannabinoids.
"I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies!" was said by Prissy.
Is 10 - 20 seconds even considered sex?
they take care of them from keeping them warm and howling to them to said come here and also teach them how to be an arctic fox.
Machine Guns... Nuff said.