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Is so expensive is because is an secret rare and it will be more expensive in the future!

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Q: Why Yu-Gi-Oh evolzar dolkka so expensive?
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Why did yugioh end?

well because Yugi and atem dueled and yugi won.yugioh was my fav tv show. i miss it so do other yugioh fans

Where do you get stardust dragon in yu gi oh gx tagforce 3?

Stardust dragon is not available in yugioh gx tag force 3 as it is a gx version. Only a 5ds version such as yugioh 5ds tag force 4 would have stardust. So, try getting yugioh 5ds tag force 4.

How do you get an ultimate rare out of a Yu-Gi-Oh pack?

Getting an ultimate rare out of a booster pack is one tough thing. Even if you buy a hundred booster packs at a time and check all of them you might not even find one ultimate rare. The reason for this is that konami the creater of yugioh wants to make less expensive cards so that the ones already existing will be worth more. I have heard that only 10,000 rainbow dragons (secret rare) versions exist in the whole world. I know all this because I am an expert at yugioh and have played for almost 7 years.

Yugioh nightmare troubadour action replay more than one forbidden cards?

I am also looking for this code but so far it seems s if there isn't one so sorry

How do you transfer the Egyptian god cards from Yugioh Nightmare Troubadour to Yugioh World Championship 2008?

Unfortunately, no previous YGO! DS games can link with World Championship 2008, so you cannot get the God Cards from Nightmare Troubadour. I know for a fact that "Slifer the Sky Dragon" was offered as a downloadable card for one day, so perhaps that is the only way of getting the God Cards. yes ghosts exists.

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When Evolzar Dolkka's effect activates to negate and destroy Stardust Dragon can Stardust Dragon activate its effect again to negate and destroy Dolkka in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Stardust Dragon tributes itself as a cost for its own effect. So if Evolzar Dolkka chains its negation effect to this, Stardust Dragon can't do anything. Not only is it not there on the field for it to be tributed again, but Evolzar Dolkka isn't destroying a card on the field. The end result will be - Dolkka's effect will resolve, negating Stardust Dragon's negation effect. Since it's already in the graveyard, Stardust Dragon won't count as being destroyed, but that doesn't affect anything. The effect Stardust Dragon chained to will resolve as normal. Because Stardust Dragon's effect was negated, it will not resummon itself.

What is a deck in newspapers?

yugioh cards are made by paper so i will tell you how to get your yugioh cards for free all you have to do is go to i make yugioh cards and you can make your own yugioh cards so now you kown how to make your yugioh cards.

What is a deck in the newspaper?

yugioh cards are made by paper so i will tell you how to get your yugioh cards for free all you have to do is go to i make yugioh cards and you can make your own yugioh cards so now you kown how to make your yugioh cards.

How old is yugioh?

In the series Yugioh, Yugi is 16 years old. In the series Yugioh GX, he is 26 years old because in Yugioh GX, Domino City is 10 years into the furture in Yugioh.

Why did yugioh end?

well because Yugi and atem dueled and yugi won.yugioh was my fav tv show. i miss it so do other yugioh fans

Can you get Yu-Gi-Oh tag force for the wii?

I don't think so, but there is a recently released game based on the new Yugioh 5Ds game called "Yugioh 5Ds Wheelie Breakers". I don't know anything about it, as I do not own it, but it is thus far the only Yugioh game for the Wii.

Is there a 100th xyz number Yu-Gi-Oh card?

no, the numbers only go up to 99. it said so in Yugioh Zexal. You can watch Yugioh Zexal on Saturday mornings on the cw4kids at 9 am.

How do you beat the cop chasing you in the pipeline in Yugioh 5ds?

beat* And you have to find leo so he can hide you

Where do you get stardust dragon in yu gi oh gx tagforce 3?

Stardust dragon is not available in yugioh gx tag force 3 as it is a gx version. Only a 5ds version such as yugioh 5ds tag force 4 would have stardust. So, try getting yugioh 5ds tag force 4.

Why the Yugioh bam pocket on ios it's not so difficult than Yugioh 5ds on psp?

The games are the same on both pocket and psp. It could be because you play one game system more than the other.

Is it possible to get yugi as a prtner in Yugioh gx tag force 2 and if so how?

No, you can only have GX characters

Yugioh 5ds reverse of arcadia you beat liguid but he is still there?

it doesnt matter so just go on