Of course goku's power level is higher than vegeta considering the fact that he even reached a high level (SSJ3) which vegeta can't do.
Whoever has the higher power level. Vegeta would win with ease, even in his normal form.
No ssj4 goku and ssj4 Vegeta is equal in power levels as a ssj4. Pls note that this will only happen at the end of Dragonball GT. At the end of Dragonball Z Goku is one level higher than Vegeta as ssj3.
If the fight is in the end of gt goku would win because goku was weakened by omega shenron and when vegeta came he was at full power but they could fuse. you have to be at the same amount of energy to fuse. Goku had a lowered power level and vegeta had a lowered power level which means goku is stronger.
the maximum power level of ssj4 goku and ssj4 vegeta is 5000000 there isint a maximum powerlevel if u keep on training with the level it will keep on growing Whoever made this assumption that Goku's power level was 5 million at super saiyan 4 is mistaken. First of all, Frieza's power level is stated to be over 1 million in his second form, unstated for his 3rd form. Max power at 100% in his final form was approximately 120 million. When Goku attained his super saiyan abilities goku could beat frieza without tring, though Goku's power stayed consistent.
is that possible that gogeta ssj3 can beat mysyic gohan,buu,gotenks ssj3 and piccalo full power goku ssj3 powerlevel =60and vegeta ssj3 power level =50 fusion power level=10 so gogeta ssj3 powerlevel=120 and mystic gohan power level=65 and gotenks ssj3 powerlevel=60 buu power level=59.13 piccalo power level =20 so buuhan power level=184.13 so buuhan is stronger if it was ssj4 gogeta than gogeta ssj4 power level=200 and is base vegito =750 because of potara rival boost and awaken power level and super vegito 1000 and ssj4 vegito power level 7500000.
Whoever has the higher power level. Vegeta would win with ease, even in his normal form.
Many dragon ball fans say that Goku's power level is higher, but Vegeta's and Goku's power level is equal. If there was a unbalanced power level, they wouldn't have been unable to fuse in GogetaActually, your max power levels don't have to be exactly the same. The stronger fighter just has to lower hi power level to match that of the weaker. I am pretty sure that Goku's power level is higher, as he defeated Vegeta in the beginning, was the first to become Super Saiyan, the first to become Super Saiyan 3, the first to become Golden Oozaru, the first to become Super Saiyan 4, you catch my drift. Also, Vegeta and Goku were only evenly matched when Vegeta was in his Majin state.
My power level when I'm angry is higher than Super Sayain 4 Goku and Super Sayain 4 Vegeta after fusion of the two. >:(
vegeta ssj2 is atie beacause goku would have to down his power level to vegetas and when they fuse gogeta power level was 500000 and vegeta ssj2 power level is 500000 and plus vegeta controlls gogeta so thy are same persons with just a difference of ssj
Goku (suppressed) - 5,000 Real power - 8,000 Vegeta - 18,000
No ssj4 goku and ssj4 Vegeta is equal in power levels as a ssj4. Pls note that this will only happen at the end of Dragonball GT. At the end of Dragonball Z Goku is one level higher than Vegeta as ssj3.
It's over 9000!!!!!!!
majin vegeta is when vegeta is under babidis control a babidi boosts his power level to the eqivilant to a super sayian 2s
If the fight is in the end of gt goku would win because goku was weakened by omega shenron and when vegeta came he was at full power but they could fuse. you have to be at the same amount of energy to fuse. Goku had a lowered power level and vegeta had a lowered power level which means goku is stronger.
In Dragon Ball Z, the sentence was used by Vegeta, being amazed at Gokus power level. In Dragon Ball Z, the sentence was used by Vegeta, being amazed at Gokus power level.