Goku wins, but he gets help from Yajirobe who cuts Vegeta's tail off which makes him become normal again.
They are both strong, but if you want to know who is stronger, they acutally fought. The fight ended in a draw. A few episodes later, when Vegeta realized Goku could have turned into SSJ3 and beat him down, he got mad at Goku for having held back. So the answer is, Goku was tremendously stronger at the time although he withheld his power to give Vegeta a fair fight.
because goku was n space at the time so baby went for the strongest one there. (vegeta)
Episode 214: Vegeta's Pride. Goku turns to USSJ (Ultra Super Saiyan) and USSJ2 in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. He turns to SSJ2 while fighting Majin Vegeta.
Goku becomes super saiyan 2 when he is training in a special room at Kami's lookout. It allows a year to pass in the room, while real time in the outside world is just a day. He acheived SS2(Super Saiyan 2) right before he battled cell. So did his son Gohan. Even though Goku was stronger than ever at that time, Gohan was stronger than Goku, achieving SS1 and SS2 in the special room. Gohan was the first one to go SSJ2. Goku became an Ultimate SSJ in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Goku went SSJ2 for the first to battle Majin Vegeta, which was about 7 years later. Gohan went SSJ for the first time in the Time Chamber, and SSJ for his fight with Cell.
In episode 153 (episode 168 in the original, non-dubbed episode) of Dragonball Z, Gohan and Goku emerge from the hyperbolic time chamber. After Goku and Gohan leave the time chamber Piccolo, Vegeta and Trunks then use the chamber for themselves.
They are both strong, but if you want to know who is stronger, they acutally fought. The fight ended in a draw. A few episodes later, when Vegeta realized Goku could have turned into SSJ3 and beat him down, he got mad at Goku for having held back. So the answer is, Goku was tremendously stronger at the time although he withheld his power to give Vegeta a fair fight.
yes, they were still posting official power levels at that time
During the Cell Games. After watching the Cell Juniors assault his friends, and witnessing the death of Android #16 at the hands of Perfect Cell, Gohan snaps and transforms for the first time in history.
it has a bit of an intro of the battle in episode: 214 - Vegeta's Pride the main fight is in: 215 - The long awaited fight and it ends in: 216 - The magic ball of buu
if you saw the episode when frieza comes to earth he tell a story king vegeta gave his son tofrieza and then king vegeta gets his worrior and fight with frieza.in the storie of bardock at the same time vegeta fights with frieza in his space ship and bardock fight with other supersiayn when frueza get done with king vegeta he comes out of his space ship and does a deadbomb and kill bardock but he can see that goku will fight badguy goku
On:Dragon Ball Z-The Ultimate Power(Selling!read desc)?Press goku,start then quickly press vegetaPress goku,then wait and then vegeta pops up in ur equiment:warning if you press goku then vegeta youw ill only get vegeta's attacksif you don't get it in the right time and have goku and vegeta items and you pick one you will loose the other one.
Goku and Vegeta became Super Saiyan 2 during the Cell saga, after training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.
because goku was n space at the time so baby went for the strongest one there. (vegeta)
vegeta is stronger because vegeta trained in the hyperbolic time chamber for a long time and got very strong, by then he turned ssj2 and became even stronger. gohan is strong as a ssj2 but vegeta is the stronger one. when vegeta went majin vegeta he turned ssj2 for the first time.
well as far as fighting goes goku is stronger due to him always fighting and as you know the more sayians fight the stronger they get but piccolo is super smart as shown when kid buu used piccolos brains to beat ultimate gohan so piccolo may have a chance
Because he knew he had enough time to do both and thought vegeta was just as big a threat.