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well in sonic heroes they do have a battle but obviously sonic wins

82math65- Well i think that without scenario Metal Sonic is clearly superior but sega and Nintendo always make Sonic win because like that they can easilymake a sequel to the game. And also some people won't support watchin Sonic diyng :P

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Q: Who will win metal sonic or sonic?
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Is metal sonic better than super sonic?

Anyone who has played Sonic CD will probably tell you that, in the game regular Sonic is mean't to win a race against Metal Sonic. But some people suck and lose. And in the sonic movie (Watch it on youtube) sonic kicks his face and he dies when he falls in lava. And sonic wasn't super form any of those times. So, Sonic is better. P.S. If you are a Sonic fan, you are awesome. If not, play a sonic game or watch a show.