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But you can play metal sonic.

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Q: How do you hack Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and play as Metal Sonic?
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Can you hack sonic adventure 2 battle?

Sure see the steps on youtube

On any sonic game can you play as NEO metal sonic?

No, Not officcially.But There is a Neo Metal Sonic Hack On Sonic Adventure DX: Directors Cut For The Pc.

How do you hack into sonic adventure 2 battle to get super sonic in all levels?

Easy eat a chao with all characters and go to any sonic level.

Is there an action replay code that lets you play as super sonic in normal levels on sonic adventure 2 battle?

Actually there is a way to hack sonic adventure 2 battle and play as super sonic in normal levels just look around the internet and im sure you will find your answer.

How can you hack sonic adventure 2 battle?

Buy an action replay. Warning: gamecube action replays will not work on a wii.

What is the hack to be metal sonic for ssbb on the wii?

theres no hack

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How do you hack sonic adventure dx?

idont know because i have a demo

Can you cheat in sonic adventure DX?

well you can hack it for diffent texters but you can not cheat.

How do you get metal sonic in sonic and Sega all-star racing?

you don't but you can hack him if you know how.

Can you play as Shadow on Sonic Dx for the GameCube?

Sonic Adventure DX is the remake of Sonic Adventure, which was originally for the Dreamcast. Shadow first appeared in Sonic Adventure 2, and made his first Nintendo appearance with Sonic Adventure 2: Battle for the Gamecube. Since Adventure 2 came after Adventure, Shadow never appears in Sonic Adventure DX. Oddly enough, the Dark/Run/Run Chao is the same in both games. Either SEGA had plans for Shadow while they were making SA1, they based Shadow loosely off of that chao, or is simply a coincidence. no you cant, but you can download Shadow the Hedgehog hack from To add the hack extract the RAR file then move the folder you downloaded to a folder named system on your SADX directory

How do you Hack Sonic Adventure 2 battle without Action Replay?

To hack Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, you need to buy Action Replay. Hook up action replay to your gamecube and put in ar codes. Codes are found on the internet. Hacking Sonic Adventure DX is a different story. First buy the PC game or download the demo found online(I bought mine). Then you download the mods found online and then copy and replace them into the system folder found near the "sonic.exe". I do not mean to be lazy, but tutorials found on hacking sadx and sa2b are easily found on youtube!