i do!
You can't 'catch' a meowth in the wild in Pokemon emerald, you get it traded to you at the battle frontier, there is some guy that wants a skitty and if you give him a skitty, he'll give you a meowth. I can't remember what building the guy is in, but he is at the battle frontier, have a look around for him ;]
You can ONLY get it if you had it as your starter Pokemon and if you have already evolved it get a ditto and breed at the Pokemon day care centre in solaceon town
There is no person who will trade a Munchlax in Soul Silver. You have to breed a Snorlax with a Full Insense if you want a Munchlax.
its your boldore for his emalga its in between mistralton city and celestial tower
Common places to find the in game trade trainers: Houses, Buildings, Mart's, Special Area's.
Suicune is wherever it wants to be, it's a roamer also it is not in emerald if i recall
What cards do you want to trade
just give him the Pokemon he wants
i do!
To trade you can send whatever Pokemon you want and what the other person wants send it then give it to him (or her)!
This is not the place for such questions.
in heaven
oh I do! email me at Abobic@iglide.net when your ready to trade me it!
they will ask you