Dont you know? Candice's voice is Malinda Shehik! i know beacuse i am her!
Really I saw some penguin who said im one of the owners of club penguin! She works there at disney. She works with rockhopper and cadence. i see her everyday. Her penguin name is Hallow42628.
First of all, its Cadence not Candace. Second of all, the answer is pink.
The Penguins in the Penguin Band on Club Penguin are Franky, G. Billy, Petey K. and Stompin' Bob. Hope you can memorize those 4 penguins! Oh! And the Penguin Band are coming on July 2011! with Cadence! I hope you can catch them and earn the stamps! Thank You.......
You cannot know the passwords of penguins on Club Penguin as it's against the Club Penguin Rules. Hacking is the only way we know to get a password unless the owner of the account gives it to you, and hacking an account and/or password is illegal and serious legal consequences can result if you are caught.
When cadence is asking you what difficulty you want to play on, click on her face to unlock expert mode.
Cadence never left Club Penguin. She's still there!
You can't. DJ Cadence is not a rank, its the name of a club penguin mascot.
cadence is 19 or 20
nobody does she is controlled by the company that made club penguin
she is popular
dance party
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo way!
at the nightclub
she is in a famous server
Malinda Shehik
July 4th