First of all, its Cadence not Candace. Second of all, the answer is pink.
Club penguin doesn't release free hair codes. You have to buy them at a store like Walmart or toys r us. So you can't say what are ALL the club penguin hair codes.
you can get rally speshal items
kiss my hair but :( ha ha :::
It's not always there, but if it is, it's in the catalog
I think only moderators can, sorry.
No, you cant sell anything on Club penguin.. sorry!
Club penguin doesn't release free hair codes. You have to buy them at a store like Walmart or toys r us. So you can't say what are ALL the club penguin hair codes.
it is in the hair catalog but its not there anymore
you can get hair in the catalog at the gift shop
penguin style book
there is no code. if u want u can try youtube and type in club penguin hair codes 2012 or buy a club penguin plush toy at a store and get lucky
Yes. around 80% Club Penguin items are for members only.
All of you are retards