if you wanna get someones vip membership or for sum reason check out passwordgiver.com and there you go
plz help me become a vip member for msp im never a vip member why
You can not get free a MSP VIP account for free. MSP stands for Microsoft points, which have to be purchased. They can be purchased online or in gaming stores such as GameStop.
theres no cheat you have to be vip no matter what...
No, most places will not give out a MSP VIP account. People have either worked hard for the account, or purchased it themselves. Once you have finished a certain number of tasks, you can have one of your own.
tell me it on mindytomboy on msp or my email mindydreams@hotmail.com
plz help me become a vip member for msp im never a vip member why
Just go to the chat room. Say who0 wants frev vip! They will say me me me me! ASk them for their password to buy them a vip. Then theyll give u their password. Go on their account and hack them
you can become judge on msp by getting to level 5 and then get 100 vip friends if your a non vip but if ur vip then you can be any level then get 100 vip friends add me on msp i am crazyanjali x
You can not get free a MSP VIP account for free. MSP stands for Microsoft points, which have to be purchased. They can be purchased online or in gaming stores such as GameStop.
you become vip
theres no cheat you have to be vip no matter what...
no :( i wish.
You can't. You pay for it like everyone else. All these surveys to get free VIP are scams which actually download a keylogger onto your computer, which steals your password. Anyone with a brain in the 21st century knows that.
You can NOT get free V.I.P on Moviestarplanet. There is NO possible way!
I don't think theres away? unless u buy VIP on MSP! Please add meI'm Aleana513 and I'm not Anonymous Ooh btw there a Anonymousn on MSP but thats a whole different story lol!
You will need to sign up for a non-VIP MSP account. Microsoft Points can be purchased online at stores such as Amazon and also in retail stores like GameStop.
No, most places will not give out a MSP VIP account. People have either worked hard for the account, or purchased it themselves. Once you have finished a certain number of tasks, you can have one of your own.