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John Steineck

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Q: Who said a town is like a colonial animal?
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How is the town like an animal?

The town is not an animal they say it because it is a town full of animals were did you get a ridiculous idea like that.

What does the narrorator mean when he says a town is a thing like a colonial animal The pearl?

Who is the narrorator? Is he a animal? I know what your talking about if he's not. He means that your town is like in the colonial times. You need to get Nookingtons or some other spectacular thing to make your town new again. If you don't soon most of the animals will leave and ask for their presents back (if you sent they some in the mail or if they gave you some) and you have to or elce they will turn them into a tire, can, or some other trash you find in the river.

Give an example of internal conflict in The Pearl?

When Kino is fighting with himself about what to do about the pearl. Chapter 5

What are the similarities of a colonial city and colonial town?

they both have the word colonial

What did colonial Connecticut town look like?

it pretty much look like today but with more trees and farm land.

Do you turn into a animal on animal crossing wild world?

There is no such cheat to enable you to turn into any animal at all. There will be animal residents but you are the only human in the whole town. (Unless your friend visits you from their town)The closest way to look like an animal is to design the shirt (or buy a shirt) and look for facial accessories to look like an animal.

In which town is Animal Farm?

DANG IT! I just read this book and I can't remember! I'm not even sure it said though, I only know it is in England. To tell you both, the name of the main town nearest Animal Farm is Willingdon.

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Where were colonial town meetings held?

In churches

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