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It is "the world's best trainer" and a thief.

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Q: Who is the passerby boy in Pokemon soul silver?
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What is Pokemon SoulSilver version about?

Why Soul Silver is about the original Pokemon Silver game for game boy. Soul Silver has some more bonuses.

Which is the boy version Pokemon soul silver or heart gold?

both have a boy

How do you get the passerby boy's Pokemon?

game cheat

What Pokemon can be caught in Pokemon Soul Silver after inserting a Game Boy advanced pack?

every Pokemon that is in that game boy game

Who is heart in Pokemon SoulSilver?

In Pokemon Soul Silver Heart is a young boy who stole one of Elm's Pokemon.

Who is your rival in Pokemon Soul Silver?

your rival is a boy name him whatever you want

What is the name of the red haired boy on Pokemon soul silver?

Whatever you pick

What is the name of the boy who is In Pokemon Soul Silver?

Theres a thousand of them be clear next time

Can you find Pokemon HeartGold or soul silver for game boy advance SP?

in your dreams

How do you find Lugia on fire red Game Boy sp?

you cant you can only get lugia on Pokemon silver or the new Pokemon soul silver coming in spring 2010

Where to find the boy named after Wednesday on soul silver Pokemon?

Wesley appears on Wednesday at the Lake of Rage

How can you get Pokemon Hearth Gold Soul Silver for Visual Boy Advance?

vba is only 4 gba games