According to my scientific explanational mathematical calculational Pokemon study I hereby state that the fattest Pokemon in existence to this very date is None other than the almighty fatty: Wailord
For which game? Pokemon Red Pokemon Blue Pokemon Yellow Pokemon Gold Pokemon Silver Pokemon Crystal Pokemon Sapphire Pokemon Ruby Pokemon FireRed Pokemon LeafGreen Pokemon Emerald Pokemon Diamond Pokemon Pearl
torterra is the best grass type Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon VULTRAE:torterra or roserade
All of the Pokemon games in the world are: Pokemon Red,Pokemon yellow pikachu edition and Pokemon blue, Pokemon Pinball, vpokemon pinball ruby and Sapphire edition, Pokemon Snap, Pokemon Stadium, Pokemon stadium 2, Pokemon Trading card game, Pokemon Puzzle League, Pokemon Puzzle Challange, Hey you Pikachu!, Pokemon gold and Pokemon Silver, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Sapphire, Pokemon emerald ,Pokemon Channel, Pokemon Colosseum, Pokemon FireRed and Pokemon LeafGreen, Pokemon Dash, Pokemon red rescue team, Pokemon blue rescue team, Pokemon explorers of time, Pokemon explorers of darkness, Pokemon ranger shadows of almia, and Pokemon black and white
you cant be a Pokemon in Pokemon diamond
Pokemon diamond
The fattest pokemon is snorlax in my opinion. He just sits there and sleeps even when he is in battle. But he is a very strong physchic pokemon when awake.
Ill go for blissey,snorlax and wailword because they have the most HP
It is ABSOLUTLEY POSITIVLEY Snorlax! Not Wailord or Munchlax or Wigglytuff. Its Snorlax, bottom line, no doubt, no argument.
The comparative form of fat is fatter.
i wonder if the fattest lion is in the zoo.
yeah what is the fattest chinny cause i have a VERY FAT chin and we want him to be the fattest one
The appropriate antonym for the word fattest is thinnest
There is not a record for the world's fattest nose.
Paul Mason is the fattest person alive. The second fattest person is Donna Simpson. Donna Simpson broke a record of the fattest woman alive 2008.
Manuel Uribe Garza is da fattest person... :D
Indiana is declared the third fattest state.
No, he was skinny. Henry VIII was the fattest.