Female Nidorans evolve into Nidoqueen, and male Nidorans evolve into Nidoking.
Yes, the female nidoran is blue and male nidoran is purple
A little girl in one of the underground paths will ask for a nidoran male if you give her one you will recieve a nidoran female.
You can't get nidoran in emerald only in firered and leafgreen.
Pokemon Red/Blue Nidoran (male) learns 'Double Kick' at level 43 Nidoran (female) learns 'Double Kick' at level 43 Pokemon Yellow Nidoran (male) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Nidoran (female) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Pokemon Silver/Gold/Crystal Nidoran (male) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Nidoran (female) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Nidoran (male) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Nidoran (female) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Nidoran (male) learns 'Double Kick' at level 9 Nidoran (female) learns 'Double Kick' at level 9
nidoran female evolves into nidorina at 16. after that u need a moonstone to evolve into Nidoqueen. same story for nidoran male. 16 and then moonstone for nidoking
NIDORAN evolves into NIDORINO and it evolves into NIDOKING. It is a great Pokemon infact i am training one, good luck.
Nidoqueen does not evolve into anything. It is the final evolution of Nidoran(female) Nidoran(female)>Lv16>Nidorina>Moon Stone>Nidoqueen
Grimer, Koffing, Nidoran Boy and Girl and their evolution chain.
Put a male and female Pokemon of same kind in daycare together(or ditto instead of male) and leave them for a day. Example. Nidoqueen+Ditto = Nidoran(M) Nidoran(F) Or. Nidoking+Nidoqueen = Nidoran(M) Nidoran(F) Sorry if i wrote the 2nd evolution instead of 1st
Nidoking is the final evolution of the male Nidoran, so no, it will not evolve. Pokemon have no more than three evolutionary stages, if any at all.
Yes, the female nidoran is blue and male nidoran is purple
you can find the nidoran male and frmale in the safari zone. You can also find the male nidoran in route 21.
Nidoran will evolve at lv 16
A little girl in one of the underground paths will ask for a nidoran male if you give her one you will recieve a nidoran female.
Nidoran evolves when he or she reaches level 16.
You can't get nidoran in emerald only in firered and leafgreen.
I'm assuming you want to know what level Nidoran evolves in Soul Silver. Nidoran (both male and female) evolve at level 16.