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The Boy Who Fixes Everything I Can't Remember His Name. But The One Who Dates Miwako Yumi's Sister.

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Q: Who is the culprit of Nancy Drew Shadow at Water's Edge?
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Who is the culprit in Nancy drew the secret of shadow ranch?

Shorty Thurmond

Who is the culprit in Shadow at the Water's Edge Nancy Drew?

Rentaro Miwako's boyfriend

Is shadow at waters edge a Nancy drew game?

yes it is. :)

When is Nancy drew shadow at the waters edge coming out?

October 19th!

Secret of shadow ranch who is the vandalist?

The culprit [vandalist] in the Nancy Drew computer game, "The Secret of Shadow Ranch" is Shorty Thurmond [the cook].

Where do you find the screwdriver in Nancy drew shadow at the waters edge?

In the shed that is outside in the garden

What is the unlock code for Nancy drew shadow at the waters edge?

look up the walk through

Who is the culprit in Nancy drew shadow at water's edge?

My guess is Yumi, she probably resents the ryokan. and she has that book of shadow puppets! I want to know who the culprit is too ): But anyways, I think nobody wants to spoil the great ending :)

Is Tex the bad guy in Nancy drew the secret of shadow ranch?

No, though he isn't the most pleasant person. Shorty Thurmond is the culprit in "The Secret of Shadow Ranch".

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How do you get Yumi to send you the last picture on Nancy drew shadow at the waters edge?

I have that same problem! I dont know what to do either! :(

Who is the culprit of Nancy Drew The haunted Carousel?

Elliot Chen