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yes it is. :)

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Q: Is shadow at waters edge a Nancy drew game?
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Related questions

When is Nancy drew shadow at the waters edge coming out?

October 19th!

Where do you find the screwdriver in Nancy drew shadow at the waters edge?

In the shed that is outside in the garden

What is the unlock code for Nancy drew shadow at the waters edge?

look up the walk through

How do you get Yumi to send you the last picture on Nancy drew shadow at the waters edge?

I have that same problem! I dont know what to do either! :(

How fun is Nancy drew shadow at the waters edge?

super fun! its almost like your in Japan! just be prepared to scream a little...

What are the ratings and certificates for Nancy Drew Shadow at the Water's Edge - 2010 VG?

Nancy Drew Shadow at the Water's Edge - 2010 VG is rated/received certificates of: USA:E10+

Who is the culprit in Shadow at the Water's Edge Nancy Drew?

Rentaro Miwako's boyfriend

Will you ever see what Nancy drew looks like in a Nancy Drew game?

i was wondering to! but in the shadow at the water's edge Nancy looks in the mirror and you see what she looks like!

How do you figure out the portrait in Nancy drew shadow at water's edge?

Put the one with the most strings in a corner.

How do you solve the bento puzzles in Nancy drew shadow at the waters edge?

You Basically Just Have To Follow The Instructions Of The Customers! Just Use The Ones With The Sandwich, Egg Or Rice Ones First, Then Try And Figure It Out!

What is the scariest Nancy Drew game of all?

In my opinion, the scariest is Shadow at the Waters Edge. Especially the old hidden bath. The music in ryokan is just so spooky that makes you want to quit the game and jump outta your chair...

Is Shadow at the Water's Edge the last ever Nancy Drew PC game?

No its not their coming out with another one. I forget what its called though.