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There is no Pokemon named Giovanni. Giovanni is the leader of Team Rocket.

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Q: Who is the Pokemon Giovanni?
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When do you fight Giovanni in Pokemon soul silver?

You can only fight Giovanni if you have a special event Celebi, where if you take it to the Celebi shrine in the Ilex Forest, will activate an event where you can battle Giovanni.

Where is the last time you beat Giovanni on Pokemon fire red?

The serious last time you beat Giovanni is at the viridian city Pokemon gym.

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Silph Co.

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Pokemon Blue 8th gym leader?

Giovanni, he has rock type Pokemon

What is Giovanni's first name?

If you're referencing Giovanni from the Pokemon series, his first name has yet to be mentioned.

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No, Giovanni doesn't have Persian in his party in Pokémon HeartGold.

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Were is Giovanni in Pokemon FireRed?

team rocket boss

Who is the 8th gym leader in Pokemon firered?


How do you battle Giovanni in Pokemon HeartGold?

Get the celebi event.