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garlic jr,

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Q: Who is stronger garlic jr or frieza?
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Where was frieza in the garlic jr saga?

I think he was dead because the Garlic Jr saga was a little after the frieza saga

Is vegeta stronger than frieza?

no frieza killed him then he becomes super saiyan. this means he is stronger than frieza after when frieza is dead.

Beside Frieza who grabs Gohan by his hair and beats him up?

vegeta salt chichi goku garlic jr cell bojack

Is Vegeta Stronger than frieza on GT?

He is stronger than Frieza in Z whe he is a Super Saiyan and he goes SS4 in GT so he is way stronger than Frieza in GT.

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Who is stronger Buu or Freiza?

Any of Majin Buu's forms can defeat Frieza in his final form with ease. Hence, Buu is stronger than Frieza.

Is frieza stronger than picolo?

yes frieza is soo much stronger than picolo on all dragonballs picolos powerlevels are only 1,000,000

Who is stronger kid buu of utimat frieza?

power level of Frieza in 100% power in DBZ is 135.000.000, but of Kid Buu is 800.000.000. so..Buu is stronger

Did piccolo is stronger than frieza in cell saga?

Yes. In cell saga piccolo is even stronger than goku when fighting with cell for the first time,so he must be stronger than frieza.

Can trunks beat 100 percent frieza?

no becase mecha frieza was stronger than his 100 percent form

Is Frieza stronger than Turles?

In retrospect Turles wasn't as strong as Frieza. Even after eating some of the fruit. If you remember Goku could only beat Frieza after becoming a super saiyan and yet he beat Turles by using a spirit bomb but frieza survied the spirit bomb of goku. If he had continued to eat more of the fruit then he might have been able to become stronger but at the time of his death no he wasn't stronger than Frieza.

Is gogeta stronger than frieza?

yes he wold own freiza hes like 9999999999999999x stronger