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Frieza 100% it is obviously shown when Frieza killed Goku. I forget which episode but when Frieza 100% was fighting ssj Goku and he killed him by drilling him into the lava and then sending energy blasts down the hole. Coincidentally, the wish to restore everyone killed by Frieza and his men, restoring Goku. Not only that but because of the saiyan's natural zenkai he got a boost in power. This allowed him to defeat Frieza since he had been damaged by ssj Goku's attacks and because of the power loss due to using 100% power.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Frieza 100% it is obviously shown when Frieza killedGoku. I forget which episode but when Frieza 100% was fighting ssj Goku and he killed him by drilling him into the lava and then sending energy blasts down the hole. Coincidentally, the wish to restore everyone killed by Frieza and his men, restoring Goku. Not only that but because of the saiyan's natural zenkai he got a boost in power. This allowed him to defeat Frieza since he had been damaged by ssj Goku's attacks and because of the power loss due to using 100% power.

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Q: Who is stronger frieza or Goku?
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Frieza does not get killed by Goku. Future Trunks is the one to kill Frieza.

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yes, goku was only want to watch the fighting moves of gohan thats why goku has a chance to win against cell but its look like Perfect Cells cells will be completly Destroyed leading to his Defeat when goku Use a Spirit Bomb on him but frieza can survive and some people vote frieza stronger than cell

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Frieza is genderless. In the tournament of power current Frieza will probably make his plan to kill Goku so no.

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Yes, Meta Cooler is much stronger than Cooler. Cooler in his 5th form was defeated by SSJ Goku; however, Meta Cooler was defeated only by SSJ Goku and SSJ Vegeta at full power.

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