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Hard...but froakie cuz he has more speed

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Q: Who is stronger a froakie or charmander?
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Is Charmander better than Pikachu?

YES pikachu is better the charmander because pikachu is a stronger pokemon then charmander and it is much better and some times charmander is not a good pokemon some times

What is the national pokedex number for Froakie?

Froakie is #656 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water type Pokemon.

What level does froakie evolve?

level 16

How do you find Charmander in Pokemon gold?

you can't find a Charmander, you have to get a Charmander by trading a pokemon to a person that has a Charmander.

What Pokemon does Froakie evolve into?

Froakie evolves into Frogadier at level 16, a pure Water-type Pokémon.It will then evolve into Greninja at level 36, having Dark as its secondary typing.

What are the names of the starter Pokémon?

(Fire, Grass and Water)1st Gen: Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle.2nd Gen: Cyndaquil, Chikorita and Totodile.3rd Gen: Torchic, Treecko and Mudkip.4th Gen: Chimchar, Turtwig and Piplup.5th Gen: Tepig, Snivy and Oshawott.6th Gen: Fennekin, Chespin and Froakie.

What are the names of all the starters in Pokemon?

(Fire, Grass and Water)1st Gen: Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle.2nd Gen: Cyndaquil, Chikorita and Totodile.3rd Gen: Torchic, Treecko and Mudkip.4th Gen: Chimchar, Turtwig and Piplup.5th Gen: Tepig, Snivy and Oshawott.6th Gen: Fennekin, Chespin and Froakie.

Can you get a Charmander in pearl?

How to get a Charmander in Pear Version?

What does Charmander say?

charmander says char

Different about charmander and shiny charmander?

One's a different colour than the normal one. Example: normal charmander: orange shiny charmander: gold

Should you pick Bulbasaur and Chespin?

It depends whether or not you like Grass type Pokemon or not. While Charmander is considered more powerful and Squirtle is cooler and more popular, Bulbasaur can have its advantages. Bulbasaur is a great choice for female trainers. Chespin is really good in Pokemon X & Y and better than Fennekin (which is just a Vulpix clone) and Froakie (which is similar to Poliwag and Oshawatt). Chespin is considered by some to be the best X & Y starter, but not by everyone. Froakie is considered the second best, because quadipeds, like Fennekin, Bulbasaur, or Chikorita, are limited by the moves they can learn.

What Pokemon hatch a froakie in Pokemon y?

Ditto and Dewott, or two Dewott